For kids: School game for kids

Perfect for parties, family gatherings, first days at school, summer camps - there are group games listed here that all ages will enjoy! You'll find some below that work best as indoor games, and some that are definitely for outdoors and require lots of space. We've got good team games here too.
This traditional Chinese game is great fun for the playground. You will need a large group of children - at least 10, but the more the merrier!
Catch The Dragon's Tail game
Age: Any
The children all form a line with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. The first in line is the dragon's head, the last in line is the dragon's tail.
The dragon's head then tries to catch the tail by manoeuvring the line around so that he can tag the last player. All the players in the middle do their best to hinder the dragon's head. Don't let the line break!
When the head catches the tail, the tail player takes the front position and becomes the new dragon's head. All the other players move back one position.
Cat Catching Mice
This traditional Chinese chase game can cause much screeching and excitement! Play outdoors - or indoors, if you have a large room. It is also known simply as "Cat and Mouse".
Cat catching mice
Age: Any
One child is chosen to be the Cat (the chaser) and one child is chosen to become the Mouse. All the other children form a circle, holding hands, with the Mouse inside and the Cat outside.
The children in the circle move around while calling out the following rhyme:
"What time is it?"
"Just struck nine."
"Is the cat at home?"
"He's about to dine."
When the rhyme stops, the children stop moving and the Cat starts to chase the Mouse, weaving in and out of the ring of children to do so. However, the Cat MUST follow the mouse's path. When he catches the Mouse he can enjoy pretending to "eat" him, and then two more children take a turn.
Hopping Chicken
This traditional Chinese game can be played with two players or in two teams, indoors or out. It is similar to Hopscotch.
Hopping Chicken Game
Age: 6+
Each player or team (of two) has 10 sticks, each about 12 inches long. They are laid on the ground like a ladder, about 10 inches apart, one ladder for each player or team.
How to play:
One player from each team starts, hopping over the sticks without touching any of them. If a stick is touched, the player is disqualified.
When the player has hopped over all the sticks he stops, still on one foot, and bends down to pick up the last stick. He then hops back over the remaining sticks.
Reaching the beginning again, he drops the stick and sets off again to hop over the nine remaining sticks, pick up the last one, and return.
Play continues until all of the sticks have been picked up.
Remember, a player is disqualified if he puts both feet on the ground at any point during his turn, or if he touches a stick with his foot.
Individual game:
Count your mistakes. The winner is the player who finishes with the least mistakes.
Team game:
The winner is the team which has got the furthest along when all players are disqualified! If both teams finish, the winning team is the one which finishes with most players left.
Play as a race game. If you make a mistake, you start over.
Play as a relay. The first player hops over ten sticks, returning with the tenth. The second player hops over nine, the third hops over eight, etc. This works very well with mixed age groups, where the younger children play towards the end of the team's go.
Try changing the foot that you hop on each round!
Posted by bestgamesoniphone
