Hoplite - One of the best miscellaneous games for iPhone and iPad

In Hoplite, the player will play the role of a man in armor, having a blade, a spear and a very specific chess-like move-set. Each enemy has their own movement and attack rules. And each board of the game is ultimately a maze of survival, one hope, spear, stab or shove at a time. Bit by bit, you can make your guy tougher. Until you die. Then start again!!!
Well, one of the most favorite on iOS for this type of game was 868-HACK, but now the players tend to smite with Hoplite. It is so simple, pure, and damn hard by level 16, but also turns out to offer so many different approaches that all make it so hard to stop playing. Become a master at distanced spear-based attacking next time. Or upgrade your bashing ability and just push guys off the grid. Options, options, so many to tease your brain!

Hoplite is a good match for? 

Careful planners who love facing impossible odds.

Hoplite isn’t a good match for?

People who want a please-undo-the-last-stupid-move-I-made button.

Get it from?

The App Store

(Source of information: http://kotaku.com/)
