5 important facts to know about Chinese mobile game market

In China, mobile eSports larger position than in Europe. Many popular games have proven that eSports can make more money than the console - and even more fun when the players can play them on the phone whenever they want. Additional features in the match, as in the case of Hero Pro League, also attract more players. Although not Esports genre dominated Chinese mobile game market, but its importance is undeniable.
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Quality of smartphones in China are increasingly improving, along with the opportunity to develop and further expand the largest mobile gaming market in the world. On average, mobile users taiTrung Korea owns a smartphone relatively cheap but high performance, enabling them to comfortably mobile gaming.

In particular, the Chinese mobile gamers mostly young, mostly living in the city of Tier 1, 2 and a half of them are women. They are very popular QQ, WeChat, and social networks in general, consumers prefer online and does not mind paying a premium for leisure activities such as watching movies, listening to music or playing games.

All of this has made China become the No. 1 target of the mobile companies. But how to succeed in this populous country? According to reports from Whatsonwibo, here are 5 of the most important characteristics Chinese mobile game market you have to be aware of:

1. The market is extremely competitive

A piece of cake "lucrative" then of course everyone wants to have, so China is the market with the level of competition is extremely high. Currently, it is dominated by the "big" as Netease and Tencent. Besides, there are many independent companies iDreamsky caliber. This is hard to do a lot of small and medium sized companies wishing to enter the market, especially foreign companies. But the potential is enormous, China remains the "promised land" for any game company does not hesitate to challenge.

2. Censorship and Restrictions

Even without the "big" market manipulation, China remains a province where foreign companies are difficult to penetrate because of censorship and limitations of local government. A typical example here is the Google Play Store does not have, as well as all other products of the "giants" Google such as Gmail, Google search, ... everything has been banned since 2010.

That is just one of the many restrictions that foreign companies face in China. Most feasible methods to overcome these barriers and penetrate this market is opening a separate company in China, or shaking hands with a local partner - they will be more thorough understanding of the market, censorship and the ability to develop here.

3. The economy "Fan"

A lot of popular online games in China is based on the literary works, comic, anime or reality TV show's famous country, can call this "success eat" - a important part of the Chinese mobile game market.

Star Wars is a typical example shows that the "direction" fans will benefit for many markets, including gaming. Earlier this year, Star Wars: Commander became the hottest game in China, reached more than 1 million downloads in just 4 days after launch. The foreign companies can take advantage of the huge mobile data sources to better understand Chinese consumers and their interests.

4. Global Outreach

The local market is extremely competitive has led to a growing number of Chinese game companies to follow the path of globalization. One of them is the Snail Games, the company was established in Suzhou, China in 2000, has set up a subsidiary with headquarters in LA, United States, 2010. Globalization brings many challenges for Chinese companies, when they are required to adjust their designs to suit the tastes of Western players.

This usually means that the computer should make it less "cute" go or additional features, the method can promote effective impact on the community there. For example, to release titles in the US Taichi Panda, Snail Games has hired athletes MMA / Ronda Rousey famous actors as representatives for their game bold "US quality" over. Besides, there are other "big" as Tencent and Alibaba, decided to attack on Western markets by acquiring local companies as Pocket Gems or Miniclip.

Chinese mobile game market in the direction of globalization will bring new opportunities for foreign game companies. If no specific plan to attack the Chinese market, it is possible to build collaborative relationships with Chinese companies by helping them to localize the game in his country.

5. Game mobile eSports

In China, mobile eSports can taste bigger than in Europe. Many popular games have proven that eSports can make more money than the console - and even more fun when the players can play them on the phone whenever they want. Additional features in the match, as in the case of Hero Pro League, also attract more players. Esports though not the kind of mobile gaming market dominates China, but its importance is undeniable.
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