Best iOS games of 2016

Best iOS games of 2016

Image result for games for ios
Games released during the last three months (if any) are marked with a symbol.
  1. World of Goo HD (2010) App Store 96
  2. Super QuickHook (2010) App Store 96
  3. VVVVVV (2014) App Store 95
  4. iBlast Moki (2009) App Store 94
  5. N.O.V.A. - Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance (2009) App Store 94
  6. Anomaly: Warzone Earth (2011) App Store 94
  7. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions (2015) App Store 94
  8. Real Racing 2 (2010) App Store 94
  9. Bastion (2012) App Store 94
  10. Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor (2009) App Store 93
  11. Carcassonne (2010) App Store 93
  12. Crashlands (2016) App Store 93
  13. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (2014) App Store 93
  14. Cut the Rope (2010) App Store 93
  15. Punch Quest (2012) App Store 93
  16. Sonic CD (2011) App Store 93
  17. The Executive (2015) App Store 93
  18. A Good Snowman Is Hard To Build (2015) App Store 93
  19. Plants vs. Zombies (2010) App Store 92
  20. XCOM: Enemy Within (2014) App Store 92
  21. Papers, Please (2014) App Store 92
  22. Beat Sneak Bandit (2012) App Store 92
  23. Threes! (2014) App Store 92
  24. Papa Sangre II (2013) App Store 92
  25. Alto's Adventure (2015) App Store 92
Check out to get list of  new games coming out and upcoming video games

Matchingo – A Memory Matching Game - Another great memory games on iOS to try

You're looking a great memory game to try on your iPhone, iPad or even iPod, well, let's consider this one, Matchingo – A Memory Matching Game! And to know how great it is, let's check out some quick reviews about the game right below here now.

Matchingo is a new twist on the classic memory matching card game you played as a kid. Match any two cards for a simple match, or make multiple matches in a row to earn combo multipliers. Collect gold coins and unlock dozens of ways to customize the game to make it all your own. Matchingo is the perfect arcade style puzzle game for everyone from 2 years old to 102 years old!

Matchingo Game

Please note this is our very first release of Matchingo. We have tons of great ideas for its future, but we want to hear from you too – please let us know your feedback, and please keep an eye out for future updates!

What are memory matching games?

A memory matching game starts with 8 or 16 tiles or cards face-down. From there you flip over any 2 cards at a time trying to make a match. In Matchingo, if you can remember where multiple matches are on the board, you can make those matches one after another to create combo multipliers so that you earn even more coins per match!

As of right now, language for the game is English and it’s available to use on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with iOS 5.1 or later required.

For more apps and games review as well as updates on memory, sport, puzzle, online games for kids, and so on, you can visit this review online site for the latest information.

Steps to download and install Pokémon Go game on your iPhone

You have an iPhone or another iOS device, and you want to play Pokémon Go on your device, then what should you to download and install the game on your device since the process for getting this Nintendo game is slightly different from the way getting this for Android devices.

While Pokémon Go is available on the App Store, if it's not available in your country follow our instructions on how to download and install it.

Log out of your Apple ID

First of all, you'll need to make your iPhone belive you're in a region that can download Pokémon Go. Open up Settings on your iPhone, tap on 'Apple ID' and select to sign out.

Now go back into Settings and select General > Language & Region. Set your region as US, New Zealand or Australia - all of these regions can download Pokémon Go.

Open up the App Store

Now open up the App Store. Search for Pokémon Go and it should appear. If it doesn't choose a free app to download and select 'Create new Apple ID'.

Go through the process of creating an Apple ID and select 'None' in the Billing menu and add a US, New Zealand or Australian address. Google can come in handy here if you need to search for an address.

Download Pokémon Go onto your iPhone

Now you can download and install Pokémon Go onto your iPhone or iPad. Once Pokémon Go is released in your region you can sign back in with your Apple ID - though you may need to reinstall Pokémon Go.

Luckily your data is saved to the cloud, so you'll be able to play Pokémon Go where you left off.

For more great game guide and game reviews, you can check out this review journal.
For kids: School game for kids

For kids: School game for kids

Perfect for parties, family gatherings, first days at school, summer camps - there are group games listed here that all ages will enjoy! You'll find some below that work best as indoor games, and some that are definitely for outdoors and require lots of space. We've got good team games here too.
This traditional Chinese game is great fun for the playground. You will need a large group of children - at least 10, but the more the merrier!
Catch The Dragon's Tail game
Age: Any
The children all form a line with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. The first in line is the dragon's head, the last in line is the dragon's tail.
The dragon's head then tries to catch the tail by manoeuvring the line around so that he can tag the last player. All the players in the middle do their best to hinder the dragon's head. Don't let the line break!
When the head catches the tail, the tail player takes the front position and becomes the new dragon's head. All the other players move back one position.
Cat Catching Mice
This traditional Chinese chase game can cause much screeching and excitement! Play outdoors - or indoors, if you have a large room. It is also known simply as "Cat and Mouse".
Cat catching mice
Age: Any
One child is chosen to be the Cat (the chaser) and one child is chosen to become the Mouse. All the other children form a circle, holding hands, with the Mouse inside and the Cat outside.
The children in the circle move around while calling out the following rhyme:
"What time is it?"
"Just struck nine."
"Is the cat at home?"
"He's about to dine."
When the rhyme stops, the children stop moving and the Cat starts to chase the Mouse, weaving in and out of the ring of children to do so. However, the Cat MUST follow the mouse's path. When he catches the Mouse he can enjoy pretending to "eat" him, and then two more children take a turn.
Hopping Chicken
This traditional Chinese game can be played with two players or in two teams, indoors or out. It is similar to Hopscotch.
Hopping Chicken Game
Age: 6+
Each player or team (of two) has 10 sticks, each about 12 inches long. They are laid on the ground like a ladder, about 10 inches apart, one ladder for each player or team.
How to play:
One player from each team starts, hopping over the sticks without touching any of them. If a stick is touched, the player is disqualified.
When the player has hopped over all the sticks he stops, still on one foot, and bends down to pick up the last stick. He then hops back over the remaining sticks.
Reaching the beginning again, he drops the stick and sets off again to hop over the nine remaining sticks, pick up the last one, and return.
Play continues until all of the sticks have been picked up.
Remember, a player is disqualified if he puts both feet on the ground at any point during his turn, or if he touches a stick with his foot.
Individual game:
Count your mistakes. The winner is the player who finishes with the least mistakes.
Team game:
The winner is the team which has got the furthest along when all players are disqualified! If both teams finish, the winning team is the one which finishes with most players left.
Play as a race game. If you make a mistake, you start over.
Play as a relay. The first player hops over ten sticks, returning with the tenth. The second player hops over nine, the third hops over eight, etc. This works very well with mixed age groups, where the younger children play towards the end of the team's go.
Try changing the foot that you hop on each round!
Posted by bestgamesoniphone
Story of China's great flood

Story of China's great flood

Here is story of China's great flood that I want to share with you:

Recently, Geologists have found evidence for an ancient megaflood which they say is a good match for the mythical deluge at the dawn of China's first dynasty.
Would you like to see other  interesting science facts

The legend of Emperor Yu states that he tamed the flooded Yellow River by dredging and redirecting its channels, thereby laying the foundations for the Xia dynasty and Chinese civilisation.

Previously, no scientific evidence had been found for a corresponding flood.

But now a Chinese-led team has placed just such an event at about 1,900BC.

Writing in Science Magazine, the researchers describe a cataclysmic event in which a huge dam, dumped across the Jishi Gorge by a landslide, blocked the Yellow River for six to nine months.

The sediments from this outburst flood are up to 20m thick and up to 50m higher than the Yellow River - indicating an unprecedented, devastating floodDr Wu Qinglong, Nanjing State University

When the dam burst, up to 16 cubic kilometres of water inundated the lowlands downstream.

The evidence for this sequence of events comes from sediments left by the dammed lake, high up the sides of Jishi Gorge, as well as deposits left kilometres downstream by the subsequent flood.

Lead author Dr Wu Qinglong, from Nanjing Normal University, said he and colleagues stumbled on sediments from the ancient dam during fieldwork in 2007.

"It inspired us to connect the next possible outburst flood with the abandonment of the prehistoric Lajia site 25km downstream," he told journalists in a teleconference.

"But at that time we had no idea what the evidence of a catastrophic outburst flood should be."

The Lajia site, famously home to the world's oldest noodles, is known as China's Pompeii; its cave dwellings and many cultural artefacts were buried by a major earthquake.

"In July 2008 I suddenly realised that the so-called black sand previously revealed by archaeologists at the Lajia site could be, in fact, the deposits from our outburst flood," Dr Wu said.

It's among the largest known floods to have happened on Earth during the past 10,000 yearsDr Darryl Granger, Purdue University

"The subsequent investigation confirmed this speculation and showed that the sediments from this outburst flood are up to 20m thick, and up to 50m higher than the Yellow River - indicating an unprecedented, devastating flood."

He and his colleagues suggest in their paper that the very same earthquake that destroyed the Lajia dwellings probably dammed the river upstream. Less than a year later, the waters returned with a vengeance.

"The flood was about 300-500,000 cubic metres per second," said co-author Dr Darryl Granger, from Purdue University in the US.

"That's roughly equivalent to the largest flood ever measured on the Amazon river; it's among the largest known floods to have happened on Earth during the past 10,000 years."
'Just great luck'

Using carbon dating - on flood deposits and even on fragments of bone from earthquake victims at Lajia - the researchers date the megaflood to 1,922BC, "plus or minus about 28 years", Dr Granger said.

If the flood was indeed the source of the Emperor Yu legend then the founding of the Xia dynasty presumably occurred within a few decades, in about 1,900BC.

This date is 200-300 years later than many previous estimations. But Emperor Yu's tale is difficult to pin down using traditional historical sources; the story survived as oral history for a millennium and its first known written record dates to around 1,000BC.

On the other hand a later, circa 1,900 commencement for the Xia supports that idea that this first dynasty coincided with the transition from Stone Age to Bronze Age ways of living. Some archaeologists have already linked the Xia dynasty with the Erlitou culture, an early Bronze Age society known from digs elsewhere in the Yellow River valley.

Dr David Cohen from National Taiwan University, another co-author, said the study was remarkable because of the multiple lines of evidence involved.

"We have the geological evidence of just a huge outburst flood, which is incredible in itself," he said.

"But then there's this coincidence of it co-occurring with the destruction of the Lajia site - which is able to give us very, very precise dates… and then that this flood was of such a scale and corresponds in time, and along the Yellow River, with both the beginnings of Bronze Age civilisation and the legend of the great flood itself.

"It's just this amazing story. All these different approaches coming together - it is just great luck."

Story of China's great flood

Story of China's great flood

Here is story of China's great flood that I want to share with you:

Recently, Geologists have found evidence for an ancient megaflood which they say is a good match for the mythical deluge at the dawn of China's first dynasty.
Would you like to see other  interesting science facts

The legend of Emperor Yu states that he tamed the flooded Yellow River by dredging and redirecting its channels, thereby laying the foundations for the Xia dynasty and Chinese civilisation.

Previously, no scientific evidence had been found for a corresponding flood.

But now a Chinese-led team has placed just such an event at about 1,900BC.

Writing in Science Magazine, the researchers describe a cataclysmic event in which a huge dam, dumped across the Jishi Gorge by a landslide, blocked the Yellow River for six to nine months.

The sediments from this outburst flood are up to 20m thick and up to 50m higher than the Yellow River - indicating an unprecedented, devastating floodDr Wu Qinglong, Nanjing State University

When the dam burst, up to 16 cubic kilometres of water inundated the lowlands downstream.

The evidence for this sequence of events comes from sediments left by the dammed lake, high up the sides of Jishi Gorge, as well as deposits left kilometres downstream by the subsequent flood.

Lead author Dr Wu Qinglong, from Nanjing Normal University, said he and colleagues stumbled on sediments from the ancient dam during fieldwork in 2007.

"It inspired us to connect the next possible outburst flood with the abandonment of the prehistoric Lajia site 25km downstream," he told journalists in a teleconference.

"But at that time we had no idea what the evidence of a catastrophic outburst flood should be."

The Lajia site, famously home to the world's oldest noodles, is known as China's Pompeii; its cave dwellings and many cultural artefacts were buried by a major earthquake.

"In July 2008 I suddenly realised that the so-called black sand previously revealed by archaeologists at the Lajia site could be, in fact, the deposits from our outburst flood," Dr Wu said.

It's among the largest known floods to have happened on Earth during the past 10,000 yearsDr Darryl Granger, Purdue University

"The subsequent investigation confirmed this speculation and showed that the sediments from this outburst flood are up to 20m thick, and up to 50m higher than the Yellow River - indicating an unprecedented, devastating flood."

He and his colleagues suggest in their paper that the very same earthquake that destroyed the Lajia dwellings probably dammed the river upstream. Less than a year later, the waters returned with a vengeance.

"The flood was about 300-500,000 cubic metres per second," said co-author Dr Darryl Granger, from Purdue University in the US.

"That's roughly equivalent to the largest flood ever measured on the Amazon river; it's among the largest known floods to have happened on Earth during the past 10,000 years."
'Just great luck'

Using carbon dating - on flood deposits and even on fragments of bone from earthquake victims at Lajia - the researchers date the megaflood to 1,922BC, "plus or minus about 28 years", Dr Granger said.

If the flood was indeed the source of the Emperor Yu legend then the founding of the Xia dynasty presumably occurred within a few decades, in about 1,900BC.

This date is 200-300 years later than many previous estimations. But Emperor Yu's tale is difficult to pin down using traditional historical sources; the story survived as oral history for a millennium and its first known written record dates to around 1,000BC.

On the other hand a later, circa 1,900 commencement for the Xia supports that idea that this first dynasty coincided with the transition from Stone Age to Bronze Age ways of living. Some archaeologists have already linked the Xia dynasty with the Erlitou culture, an early Bronze Age society known from digs elsewhere in the Yellow River valley.

Dr David Cohen from National Taiwan University, another co-author, said the study was remarkable because of the multiple lines of evidence involved.

"We have the geological evidence of just a huge outburst flood, which is incredible in itself," he said.

"But then there's this coincidence of it co-occurring with the destruction of the Lajia site - which is able to give us very, very precise dates… and then that this flood was of such a scale and corresponds in time, and along the Yellow River, with both the beginnings of Bronze Age civilisation and the legend of the great flood itself.

"It's just this amazing story. All these different approaches coming together - it is just great luck."

Steven Spielberg's Halo TV Show Is Still Alive

Steven Spielberg's Halo TV Show Is Still Alive

Microsoft has not talked about it in a very long time, but Steven Spielberg's Halo TV show for Showtime is still on the way, it seems. Asked on Twitter what was up with the project or if it was dead, Spencer stated, "Alive."

>>>> Update latest new games coming out to you can download and play games

That's not much, but confirmation that it's not cancelled is something. This follows news from August 2015, when Showtime boss David Nevins confirmed the TV show was in "very active development."

The Halo TV show was at one time expected to debut in fall 2015 alongside Halo 5: Guardians, but of course that didn't happen. It's unclear exactly what's holding the project up, but it's not uncommon for Hollywood productions to take a long time to come to fruition.

>>>> By the way, check out information about cats to explore science interesting facts about cat species. Everything you wanted to know

The Halo show was announced in May 2013 as part of the Xbox One reveal event. We still don't know much about it, but Spencer has said before that the show won't just be "filler."

After production house Xbox Entertainment Studios shut down in 2014, the fate of the project was called into question. But Microsoft quickly stepped in to say the show would not be affected.

Before that, reports suggested that District 9 director Neill Blomkamp may direct the pilot.

One of Spielberg's next projects is 2018's gamer movie Ready Player One, which he's directing. He's also going to be behind the camera for 2019's Indiana Jones 5.

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5 important facts to know about Chinese mobile game market

5 important facts to know about Chinese mobile game market

In China, mobile eSports larger position than in Europe. Many popular games have proven that eSports can make more money than the console - and even more fun when the players can play them on the phone whenever they want. Additional features in the match, as in the case of Hero Pro League, also attract more players. Although not Esports genre dominated Chinese mobile game market, but its importance is undeniable.
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Quality of smartphones in China are increasingly improving, along with the opportunity to develop and further expand the largest mobile gaming market in the world. On average, mobile users taiTrung Korea owns a smartphone relatively cheap but high performance, enabling them to comfortably mobile gaming.

In particular, the Chinese mobile gamers mostly young, mostly living in the city of Tier 1, 2 and a half of them are women. They are very popular QQ, WeChat, and social networks in general, consumers prefer online and does not mind paying a premium for leisure activities such as watching movies, listening to music or playing games.

All of this has made China become the No. 1 target of the mobile companies. But how to succeed in this populous country? According to reports from Whatsonwibo, here are 5 of the most important characteristics Chinese mobile game market you have to be aware of:

1. The market is extremely competitive

A piece of cake "lucrative" then of course everyone wants to have, so China is the market with the level of competition is extremely high. Currently, it is dominated by the "big" as Netease and Tencent. Besides, there are many independent companies iDreamsky caliber. This is hard to do a lot of small and medium sized companies wishing to enter the market, especially foreign companies. But the potential is enormous, China remains the "promised land" for any game company does not hesitate to challenge.

2. Censorship and Restrictions

Even without the "big" market manipulation, China remains a province where foreign companies are difficult to penetrate because of censorship and limitations of local government. A typical example here is the Google Play Store does not have, as well as all other products of the "giants" Google such as Gmail, Google search, ... everything has been banned since 2010.

That is just one of the many restrictions that foreign companies face in China. Most feasible methods to overcome these barriers and penetrate this market is opening a separate company in China, or shaking hands with a local partner - they will be more thorough understanding of the market, censorship and the ability to develop here.

3. The economy "Fan"

A lot of popular online games in China is based on the literary works, comic, anime or reality TV show's famous country, can call this "success eat" - a important part of the Chinese mobile game market.

Star Wars is a typical example shows that the "direction" fans will benefit for many markets, including gaming. Earlier this year, Star Wars: Commander became the hottest game in China, reached more than 1 million downloads in just 4 days after launch. The foreign companies can take advantage of the huge mobile data sources to better understand Chinese consumers and their interests.

4. Global Outreach

The local market is extremely competitive has led to a growing number of Chinese game companies to follow the path of globalization. One of them is the Snail Games, the company was established in Suzhou, China in 2000, has set up a subsidiary with headquarters in LA, United States, 2010. Globalization brings many challenges for Chinese companies, when they are required to adjust their designs to suit the tastes of Western players.

This usually means that the computer should make it less "cute" go or additional features, the method can promote effective impact on the community there. For example, to release titles in the US Taichi Panda, Snail Games has hired athletes MMA / Ronda Rousey famous actors as representatives for their game bold "US quality" over. Besides, there are other "big" as Tencent and Alibaba, decided to attack on Western markets by acquiring local companies as Pocket Gems or Miniclip.

Chinese mobile game market in the direction of globalization will bring new opportunities for foreign game companies. If no specific plan to attack the Chinese market, it is possible to build collaborative relationships with Chinese companies by helping them to localize the game in his country.

5. Game mobile eSports

In China, mobile eSports can taste bigger than in Europe. Many popular games have proven that eSports can make more money than the console - and even more fun when the players can play them on the phone whenever they want. Additional features in the match, as in the case of Hero Pro League, also attract more players. Esports though not the kind of mobile gaming market dominates China, but its importance is undeniable.
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Terrarium Land game - Discover paradise

Terrarium Land game - Discover paradise

Terrarium Land game

Terrarium Land is one of the adventure game, it is very suitable for young people to explore the world prefer different challenges and overcome the full logic. When you join the game you will have to puzzle logic of predictions and liberate the world from evil creatures muck. In the game you will have the task of finding secret places, artifacts, awards and you can buy bombs and weapons from the bonus to be able to protect themselves and destroy the bizarre monster machines.
terrarium game land
tuyet dep game land terrarium
To join the game you can not only play games, puzzle, action, but also quite beautiful out lands that are not easy to encounter in real life.

How to play the game Terrarium Land

How to play this game is quite simple, but you can only play single player can not follow the team to be.You will be the role of a robot controller. Your task in the game is to find and destroy other evil creatures, each kill you will get the gold coins as a reward, the money you can buy weapons and bombs start up restore order in this beautiful land.
3d game terrarium land
terrarium game land
terrarium game land
Some salient features noticeable in games
  • 3 planets to explore your friends
  • There are different locations, environments and weather conditions of each place is completely different
  • The interaction between the characters and the environment
  • In different places, the residents that have different actions
  • There are several types of organisms are harmless, and also some species can purebred
  • In each a different planet, you have a different mission

Land Terraium game review

Plus point deserves attention in this game is very nice graphics plus a rich imagination context and living organisms, they made me always surprised and thrilled when the first game. The next major plus point is the content and the idea so much humanity and the message of environmental protection natural that I feel. As for the minus points as the game's system requirements are relatively high, if you intend to play this game, please refer to below in the configuration. The next point of the game except for this probably lies in the price of the games announced by the manufacturer is: 14,99usd
terrarium game land
terrarium game land
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 (2.0 GHz) / AMD
Athlon 64 4000+ (2.4 GHz)
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GTS
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 2 GB of available space
Land Link Terrarium game downloads you can search on google offline!

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Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Review

Small mushroom man finally his name into the selection, and the result is a fascinating adventure, unique, and heavy puzzle.
Some enemies can be defeated with a head lamp Toad.
In the darkness of the release of Nintendo's major holidays Smash Bros. to Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, a bizarre experiment that split a set of levels in Super Mario 3D World. These levels serve as a change of pace while fast-paced, co-op platformer, and gave players control of a Toad adventure that can not jump (on account of the heavy backpack themselves, naturally). Treasure Tracker shows that the concept blown out to the retail release of their own, which maintains all the charm of the series where it came from, but lacks a bit of diversity and its value.

Instead of collecting some of the star turns green as in the 3D world, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker has three crystal obtained in each period before finally reaching the star at the end. It almost is organized as a mobile game reviews , with a collection of bite-sized levels can "knock out" by just reaching the final or actually beat once you have collected all three crystals. Sure, you can complete a level of Angry Birds by killing all the pigs or move forward in the Cut the Rope by Om Nom candy, but fans of the game know the real fun games for kids online and challenge is in getting all three stars before you move forward. Treasure Tracker is no different, in that I felt like I had failed in a phase if I simply hit the star at the end while leaving one or more crystals behind.

In addition to the three crystal, a target bonus is revealed after you reach the end of each stage. This can be in the form of coin collecting, gold 1-up mushrooms, or even introduce a simple goal as stealthy sneaking through a series of patrol Shy Guys. Each stage is presented as a page in a book about Captain Toad (and Toadette), and the page does not receive a stamp until you have collected all three crystals and meet the target amount often.

I like all of the stages on my first playthrough, but found myself like the game significantly more once I've "beaten" the game but lacked the stamps on multiple pages. Since this period is too small, I often find myself on camera and try to look at every possible angle in an attempt to find a pesky fine that I had missed earlier. There were times when I thought "no way to have a crystal here ... I've looked everywhere," only to stumble upon a secret passage, or looking at the stage with a specific angle revealed the position of the crystal. These moments are my favorite in Treasure Tracker, and I would not have experienced if I had just blown them through the game and never returned to the level that I was not fully completed.

Specific panels will allow you to rotate the elements of the stage with GamePad.
Specific panels will allow you to rotate the elements of the stage with GamePad.
Like 3D World, there is little in the way of movement or touch gimmicky controller. You can type a number of enemies to keep them in position, but I rarely necessary. A limited number of levels you touch the screen or blowing into the mic to move platforms around, but it never did so much to be aggravating. other levels and formats shake feature my car with guns beet can be closed by moving the GamePad. Some abandon the slow-paced nature of the game by Toad pace to sprint past hit quickly collapsed road. Even if you are working your way through the levels more unique, "three crystals and a star" format remains intact.

I always enjoy my time with Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, but I often question the value component of this package. At $ 40, the offer did not feel a bit thin. Well below the 100 level has small, and the two major boss fights are recycled in the form of a little-changed several times. Captain Toad stages nice change of pace in case of action-packed 3D World, but the novelty does not wear thin more quickly when you're playing through a family (although have tried to do everything vibration over time). Treasure Tracker is an attractive game, but may be disappointed if they drop some $ 40 expect something more ambitious or significant. If you know what you are getting into and you're alright to spend money, have a lot of fun to get into the adventure Captain Toad.

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Review

Dimension recaptures enough thrills Geometry Wars' standing as the new dual-joystick shooter best in quite some time.
It must have been difficult to come up with a sequel to one of the most perfect games ever made, but they did it. It is called Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2. Where game that featured five or six times the content as dual-joystick predecessor its laser focus, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions similar to cow Retro Evolved to supply more than 2, but more than six years later sold for a similar price. I do not like anything new about size - some of it feels like it's missing the point of what has become very great - but there are a lot of interesting ideas here, and holy cow is it nice just to Geometry Wars play a new game again.

Some new level making it a real pain to see where the enemies are coming from.
The size is completely built on and expanded the concept of Retro Evolved 2. That means picking up geoms from dead enemies to increase your multiplier. It means peace regime and King gimmick as being featured prominently. It means more things orange triangle cursed table scan back and forth in a straight line. All 2 mode (unless the order) is packed here in the classic menu, each accompanied by a leaderboard, so when everyone else is said and done, you still have a way to compete for points higher than in the same kind of familiar games reviews on the new console.

The center of this third game, and the biggest departure, is a 50-Adventure campaign new stage featuring all existing modes 2, along with a handful of interesting new people, spread over a ton of levels with odd shapes. Well, the plane of the board squares traditional Geometry Wars takes a back seat to the abstract geometric forms such as cubes and spheres, along with recognizable shapes rather than things like a peanut or a hot dog. (I see a theme here.)

That is the basic level 3D completely changes the way you have to play, because you can not rely on every time I see the enemy threat in your peripheral vision. Rounded a corner and ran smack into an enemy you can not see a second before going on a little more often than it should. Where the old game is difficult, but absolutely fair, some of the maps here turned out to be the bad kind of frustrating. These levels are in the minority, but they can get quite annoying, and while change up your style game reviews (leading to your guns around the edges and so on) to help mitigate the lack of vision, I can not help but long for the elderly large flat rectangle over time.

In addition to the product line diversity of shapes, each one level adventure has a unique set of rules and conditions and the unpredictable and changing tactics on the current game mode. Some of them have teleporters. Some are moving, deadly wall. Some are popular with virus-like enemies that multiply and fill the entire level if you do not shoot them fast enough. Each iteration of the familiar mode of evolution and the deadline comes with a twist of some kind, and there are a handful of the original mode is formed for adventure. I really like the rainbow, where you have to rack up points until a legion of orange paint bubbles scrub the whole oranges board games. A mode where you start, you have a finite amount of bullets, not so much. At least there is a heck of a lot different in that. One of the methods is quite mean asteroids, huge enemies explode up into smaller ones when you kill them. It is an appropriate homage.

There are all kinds of adventure mode to keep you busy for a very long time.
There are all kinds of adventure mode to keep you busy for a very long time.
The adventure mode has a satisfying progression aspect. You can select one of five aircraft and one of the five super attack (which comes with the traditional smart bombs) when you go into a level. The drone doing things like ram enemies, aimed fire sniper shots, or collect geoms for you, while supers will shoot a series of guided missile, creating a black hole defensively, and so on . You can upgrade those increases cashing in thousands geoms you have chosen, and unlock new ones by making it to the particular point in the adventure mode. You earn up to three stars for your score on every level, and every 10 levels you need to reach a specific threshold to move to the next episode. The adventure mode is surprisingly difficult; more often than not, I slammed into the back wall and had to return to previous levels to grind out a few details, because in many cases, I only manage one or two stars their first time through a level certain degree. Overcoming the adventure mode at all will take time and effort, and max out all upgrade and get three stars will take more than a ton.

While Geometry Wars is at its best as a single-player offensive point that you are pursuing your friends on a leaderboard, with both local co-op for four players and a side mode online competitive team here for good measure. The co-op is designed reasonable, with each player racking up their own points throughout a level, but then combine all the stars and a high score at the end of the match. Only 10 levels in which the player co-op, alas. You also get a four-on-four several online mode competition is good, but there you are competing for control of several towers on the map or simply compete to earn points towards a waves of enemies faster than other groups. The online mode is fine for what they are, but many are not what I'm coming to this game, and I had a heck of a time even finding other players to get into the game in the first place. fun games for kids online 

Geometry Wars 3 is a software package is really nice; the animated menu transitions are smooth and neat, you will not see a single loading screen when you are in the game, complete with charts everywhere, and neon pop corner of the image design series, loaded with flashy effects and deformation of the surface level, has never looked better. Purists will surely find some irksome levels more adventurous than others, but chasing high scores, upgrade drone, and ever so still meet throughout. This is not perfect Geometry Wars sequel after all this time, but it's still pretty damn interesting in its own right.

Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ

Explore the world of Kingdom Hearts - before the Keyblade War - in Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, an action RPG that brings your favorite characters from the series to your mobile device.
Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ screenshot
Create your own character, hunt down Heartless in Disney-inspired realms, and fight for control of the limited light that exists in the ever darkening world. Join friends as you go on missions and upgrade yourself to be a true Keyblade hero.

Hitman GO - A Kinda must-try puzzle video game for iPhone

Hitman Go is a kind of turn-based puzzle video game first released in February 2014. We all know that the Hitman games have been really famous for their open-ended sandboxes. Well, at their best, they let you creep around a museum or a party to find your target, and creatively take them out. But, Hitman GO doesn’t really do that. What it exactly do, however, is offer a bunch of smart, tightly designed puzzles which gradually become more complicated when you go, but are never too difficult to finish off in the space of a single bus ride. With the gane's stripped down board-game aesthetic and abstract violence, Hitman GO may not look much like a Hitman game, but somehow, it still manages to capture the series’ meticulous and satisfying nature. 

Who should play it? 

Hitman fans, puzzle friends, and those who like imagining what it means when one board game piece “assassinates” another board game piece.

Who shouldn't try the game?  

Those looking for an actual portable Hitman game.

Watch it in action

Purchase From: 

80 Days Game Short Reviews

By land, by boat, by airship, by giant mechanized city with legs, well, do you have what it takes to make it around the whole world in 80 Days? That is the question at the heart of 80 Days, which's a fantastical re-imagining of a very famous novel written by Jules Verne. When joining the game, you will cast the role of Passepartout, manservant to the gentleman Phileas Fogg. As a valet, you're responsible for packing the bags, negotiating at markets, and planning the itinerary on your journey around the globe. Interestingly, each trip will be totally different from all previous ones, and thanks to 80 Days’ peppy writing and frequent surprise detours, each trip will also offer  a great deal of fun. In a nutshell, I can say that the game well captures the joy and melancholy of travel with unusual wit and humanity.

80 Days is a good choice for?

People who love interactive stories, geography buffs, and of course, fans of travel.

80 Days is not a good choice For?

Anyone looking for a low-investment, pick up/put down action game or the ones who hate to read - the majority of 80 Days is text-based interactive fiction.

The trailer

Where you can get it?

The App Store

Hoplite - One of the best miscellaneous games for iPhone and iPad

In Hoplite, the player will play the role of a man in armor, having a blade, a spear and a very specific chess-like move-set. Each enemy has their own movement and attack rules. And each board of the game is ultimately a maze of survival, one hope, spear, stab or shove at a time. Bit by bit, you can make your guy tougher. Until you die. Then start again!!!
Well, one of the most favorite on iOS for this type of game was 868-HACK, but now the players tend to smite with Hoplite. It is so simple, pure, and damn hard by level 16, but also turns out to offer so many different approaches that all make it so hard to stop playing. Become a master at distanced spear-based attacking next time. Or upgrade your bashing ability and just push guys off the grid. Options, options, so many to tease your brain!

Hoplite is a good match for? 

Careful planners who love facing impossible odds.

Hoplite isn’t a good match for?

People who want a please-undo-the-last-stupid-move-I-made button.

Get it from?

The App Store

(Source of information:

Drop 7 Short Reviews

AreaCode’s numerical puzzle game may be the most ideal short-session game ever created. As falling numbers land on a 7×7 grid, you need to make them disappear by matching the number of vertical or horizontal spaces match the digit. Yes, it sounds tedious but when the rules finally click in your head, it’s a lifetime addiction.

A Good Match For: 

Anyone who spends a lot of time waiting for things or people. Whether it is stuck in traffic or waiting on a queue at the bank, a few quick levels of Drop7 will make any kind of stationary drudgery more bearable.

Not a Good Match For: 

Those ones hoping to stay productive. It take superhuman willpower to resist the siren call of Drop7 and if you want to get anything done after installing it, make sure your iPhone’s out of reach.

Where to purchase? 

Well, you can get this great game for iPhone from the App Store.


This is basically a game about math. Well, you need to slide a bunch of numbers around a tiled pad, try to get 2 like numbers next to each other. If you can do that, they will combine to form another new, bigger number. Then, keep on moving, continue combining, and your score will climb and climb. Threes is a kind of immaculately designed game made all the more winning for its aesthetics. Charming, musical, and addictive, this game is definitely well worth downloading for your iPhone.

A Good Match For: Those, who are looking for a simple puzzle game to play on a commute, as well as the ones love competing with their friends for high scores.
Not a Good Match For: Anyone hoping for a deep story and those preferring sub-standard clones.

Trivia Crack – The best iPhone Trivia Games

(Image source: the Internet)

If you love to challenge yourself with great trivia questions, it’s really worth to give Trivia Crack a spin. Impressively, this hit mobile quiz game well combines cute cartoon designs together with a wide variety of trivia questions as well as a turn-based, head-to-head system. As having Trivia Crack, players can play against their friends on Facebook or the random opponents by spinning the wheel and then answer questions based on Science, Sports, Geography, History, Entertainment, or Art in order to become the first one acquiring all six different characters and winning the game. Another great thing about this trivia game is that it gets tactical with power-ups that we can use to affect the game, together with the ability to steal characters of the enemy by wagering our own.


(Image source: the Internet)
You are using iPhone and looking for great games to play on your phone, this blog could be a right place helping you to make it happen so easily. As a huge fan of Apple’s products as well as a game lover, I’m about to make this site to share everything I know about games that are considered the best to play on iPhone from my very own perspective and experiences. Via this blog, I also desire to find out and get interact with new friends who have the same interests with me. Hope that hope that you guys love this idea and join me to make it much better!!! 

